Today we asked Antonin: from the beginning of the Project Rocketboots Mania to now, what has been your most effective marketing channel, and why do you think that is?


I think our regular marketing meetings had inproved whole proces. Now, we are focused on facebook, Instagram and also Twitter. Because of social sites we can see the specific traffic from these sites in the analytics data on our website. Social media play an important role in sharing further updates and keeping people interested. I heard it is secondary source but do not be mistaken. Social media are stronger than it seems.


We also hope to get the effect of press coverage, especially in some of the biggest like PC Gamer or Kotaku. Kotaku We also expect some interest from sites focused on indie games. So, guys, you can expect receiving our press kit.


Did the success of another indie game inspire your marketing strategy in any way?


We did a research. There are quite a few examples of clever marketing ideas but to be honest it is usualy question of money. We are two developers and we bet on classic. Social sites and good press. Also let’s not underestimate “success story”.


Thanks, Antonin!


Pleasure. Anytime.



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